
Our on-site Leader Development Seminar will help your organization implement a simple, practical and comprehensive framework to shape a different kind of leader.

Your people will leave saying, “I got it, and I can use it Monday!”


While our model is simple, it takes time to develop conceptual knowledge into experiential understanding. Our seminars help you with this development by walking you through the model and helping you apply it to your own life and leadership challenges. These seminars enable teams and organizations to collaborate and learn in an engaging, interactive way.

Learn how your team will benefit from our seminars!


Our coaching methods are tailored to each client’s specific situation, integrating the LDC model into your own life in a slower, more intentional way. We’ll work with you to help you view your situation more realistically in terms of your strengths, struggles, and weaknesses. We can also help you identify blind spots, bring focus to your development efforts, and develop stronger accountability in your leadership area. As coaches, we won’t just answer your questions; we help you discover the answers.

Leanne Carter discusses why she found LDC coaching so beneficial.


“The LDC Model has helped me put into words the practices that my experience told me were keys to good leadership. It has allowed me to be much more aware of my own strengths and struggles in leadership - and given me concrete practices to help me improve in all areas as I lead.”

— Cathy Roberts, Director of Leader Development at Greater Europe Mission and Director of Global Learning Services at Cherwell Software

“What the LDC team brings is important because it forces leaders to think multi-dimensionally. Business is more than the bottom line—it is developing your people as a servant leader for the good of the organization, to include its staff and people who are served.”

— Craig Currey, President and CEO of Transitions Homeless Center, Retired US Army colonel

“The coaching sessions following the Lead-Develop-Care seminar were extremely helpful in making the concepts practical and applicable in my specific leadership situation.  While the seminar taught me the principles of Lead-Develop-Care, the coaching developed my thinking about how I can be a better leader where I am.”

— Ken Christie, Director of Missional Enterprise for the Navigators

“I know of no approach that better positions a leader to realize breakthrough results than the LDC team’s model. It develops leaders from the inside out and produces sustainable organizational results.”

— Jerry Forte, CEO of Colorado Springs Utilities (retired)